Melting Pot

In early 1990, following the tragic fire at the John Sevier Center on Christmas Eve 1989, Munsey Memorial United Methodist Church began the Melting Pot.  In the beginning, Sunday School classes from Munsey provided the Shepherd’s Breakfast on Saturdays.  Years later, Good Samaritan Ministries adopted the idea to serve lunch daily.  The whole community has been together ever since!

Today, breakfast is available six days a week and lunch is served five days a week. The meals are prepared for the homeless, the elderly, and/or homebound persons who have no resources to prepare a meal for themselves.

Area churches have signed up for preparing and serving meals on certain days of the month. St. John’s prepares and serves the noon meal on the 5th Thursday of those months that have five weeks. If you are interested in helping with this ministry, contact the church office via email or phone – or 423-926-8141.